
Friday, March 29, 2019

Free download VAS5054A ODIS 4.4.10 Software

Free download ODIS 4.4.10 software for VAS 5054A :

password: slapgl
security: tested successfully by engineers.
operating system: windows 7 - tested!
compatibility: odis 4.4.10 isonfirmed to work with vas 5054a clone and vxdiag vcx nano 5054 .
(vas5054a is able to do flashing, and works with odis engineering - vxdiag cannot work... but vxdiag firmware can be updated while 5054a cannot....)
odis 4.4.10 install:
  1. Install Odis only WIN 7 32 or WIN 7 64
! ! ! ! Do not restart at the end ! ! !
  1. Copy +Paste OffboardDiagLauncher.exe to “Program Files (X86) > Offboard_Diagnostic_Information_System”
3 .Copy “ “ to “Program Files (X86) > Offboard_Diagnostic_Information_System\plugins”
  1. For Win 7 32 . Extract “Odis 4.4.10 Program x86.rar “ to ! ! ! “PROGRAM FILES (X86)” ! ! !
  2. For Win 7 64 . Extract “Odis 4.4.10 Program x86.rar “ to ! ! ! “PROGRAM FILES (X86)” ! ! ! AND Extract “Odis 4.4.10 Prgram Files.rar “ to ProgramData
  4. Do not start Odis
  5. Start > Edic Conf. Manager with USB and with Bluetooth
  6. Is detected 5054 start odis
Credits to pilic from
odis service vs odis engineering:
ODIS-S= VAG new diagnostic software
ODIS-E= VAG diagnostic+ flashing software
ODIS Service is the "new" official diagnostic tool. It's java based and is able to do also any diagnostic service supposed to be done in repair shops. Most of them of course online. And it also features guided reps (so did VAS PC).


It is the engineering version of ODIS-S. It features direct access to the platform projects, direct access to the ECU, and direct access to its diagnostic functions. If you exactly know what you are doing this is best solution.
As the title it is usually only available and used for engineering purposes. But that does not mean the tool is more powerful than ODIS-S:
It does not bypass any ECU functions or contains security codes or something.
Only benefit is probably that you can see some functions and coding with text. It's just a better usability and strictly access to diagnostic functions.

On a side note, you can install both ODIS and ODIS-E together on one PC.