Car: Passat b6 2009 CR
When im trying to test my passat b6 2009 CR I got message:
An error occurred during automatic vehicle identification. Please identify vehicle manually.

When I tried to identify manually only SKODA available.

Software version: ODIS 5.0.4 (free download on the web)
Diagnostic tool: VAS 5054A head
Solution 1:
Erase your vin.
Not sure if you need geko account for that. Try selecting the characteristics of your car
Solution 2:
Installation of Odis about witch brands will be available depend from the license.dat file...........
So if you used wrong license.dat file or you modded the license.dat file by yourself for any reason you made mistake on her.........
So now for to have the missing brands (Vw as you need) you must uninstall and reinstall everything from beginning by using correct license.dat file...........
Solution 3:
You’d better use ODIS from a reliable source. Forget the free links on the web. Usually, they might have some issues such as license, time limit and the like
I’m using the link odis 4.4.1
FAW Volkswagen, Shanghai Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda... all brands activated
Also, tested odis should be better... version is a bit late though
Big thanks to Guss who has confirmed the functionality of odis 4.4.1
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